Platform Lifts
a special of type of stairlifts
Platform Lifts
A platform lift is a special type of stair lift that can be used to overcome stairs and slight differences in height. Platform lifts are particularly suitable for wheelchairs and rollators. In contrast to conventional stair lifts, which are equipped with a seat, there is no need to move. You can keep your position comfortably and move around barrier-free even with limited mobility.
Platform lifts usually have a high load capacity of up to 300 kg. As with the stair lift, the rail system (1- or 2-rail system) is mounted along the stairs. The rails are designed individually. Platform lifts often also move vertically, like a small elevator.
The platform lift is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. The user can drive up to the lift platform via a small ramp or at ground level. The platform complies with all safety standards and is controlled via a remote control.
Various drive systems are used for platform lifts, including the classic rack and pinion drive. A rack-and-pinion drive consists of a drive gear, a rack and an electric motor. The rack-and-pinion drive functions like a rack-and-pinion railway: the electric motor drives the rack-and-pinion gear.